Happy New Year!
Looking forward to the new year with this twelve month woodblock printed calendar from Gwen Frostic Prints.
Ballinglen Arts Foundation Fellowship
A fellowship at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation has given me six weeks of concentrated studio time in Ballycastle, Ireland. I have been spending long days in the studio, working on textiles, drawings and woodblock prints.
Sisters at work
Working with a half sheet (masaban) of washi paper and sumi ink, each artist in the Mokuhanga Sisters collective works in the technique of mokuhanga to create a woodblock print. In this series of work, paper is our muse. Each sheet of paper for this project was made by artisans from the village of Echizen using traditional papermaking methods. Through the materials of paper, wood, and ink made from soot, we explore the color black. This work will be exhibited at Udatsu Museum in Echizen City, Japan.
wood + paper + box in your hands
Yoonmi Nam, Mariko Jesse and I traveled to the Marianna Kistler Museum to give a talk about our exhibition: wood + paper + box in your hands. Our most recent project Mise en Scéne is the 2023 Friends of the Beach Museum Gift Print. This project, along with our 3 other collaborative works will be on exhibit from October 3, 2023 to April 6, 2024.
Visiting Artist
Yangbin Park visited my printmaking and book arts class at the University of Alabama Huntsville to give a workshop in Korean papermaking.
UAH Exhibition
My solo exhibition Modified Landscape is installed at UAH Wilson Hall Gallery. Come by!
Women of Mokuhanga
Mounting prints that will be included in the exhibition Women of Mokuhanga at Sarah Moody gallery of Art at the University of Alabama.
Modified Landscape
Installation begins for Modified Landscape, my solo exhibition at UAH. This is the work I created as a Fulbright Scholar in Taiwan.
Experimenting with Sumi Painting
I spent an extra week at Anderson Ranch in Yoonmi Nam’s sumi painting workshop, working with brush, ink and paper.
Teaching at Anderson Ranch
A really fun week teaching Print & Stitch at Anderson Ranch Art Center. This is a process image of one of the demonstrations from the workshop.
Mokuhanga Prints In Progress
This is one of the woodblocks for my print Yangmingshan. It is inspired by a day when I was walking in the mountains and came around a bend in the path to discover a group of young people signing together. The final print will be included in my exhibition at UAH Wilson Hall Gallery.
Summer Residency
Spending the warm days of summer drawing at InCahoots Artist Residency in Petaluma, California.
The Portrait of the Artist….and Other Things
This group exhibition, curated by Maida R. Milone features my new work at Gross McCleaf Gallery June 1 - 24, 2023.
The reception is June 3rd from 1 - 4PM
127 S. 16th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, 215-665-8128, info@grossmccleaf
Data Driven Art
This semester I collaborated with Helen Parache form Impact/NASA (who also happens to be my amazing daughter) to create a workshop for printmaking students to create data driven art. Find out more about the project in an article published on the NASA blog (here).
New Studio: Carport Press
I turned my existing carport into a studio with a line of windows! Next steps will be the electrical, insulation and some finishing touches. Aiming to move my presses in next year!
Work To Be Done In Winter
The printing for my artist book is done! The binding will begin just as spring arrives–perfect timing.
Artist Lecture Series: University of New York, Plattsburgh
My presentation for the University of New York Plattsburgh focused on new work and my experience as a Fulbright Scholar in Taiwan.
Neighborhood Garden
New work in progress for the exhibition The Portrait of the Artist…And Other Things in Philadelphia. The work will be at Gross McCleaf Gallery from June 1 - 24 in Philadelphia, and curated by Maida Milone.
Neighborhood Garden
Figuring it out: a mockup from xerox copies and ink jet prints. I am thinking about the possibilities of CMYK.
Work To Be Done In Winter
Woodblock prints of the night sky for my artist book: Work To Be Done In Winter.
Work To Be Done In Winter????
Woodblock prints of the night sky for my artist book: Work To Be Done In Winter.
Quarantine Newspaper
At the beginning of 2021, I travelled from Alabama to Taipei. Upon arrival, I spent the required two week quarantine alone in a hotel room. Passing the time, I photographed the moments. In a holding pattern, I waited to fully arrive in a new place.
Print & Stitch
I will be teaching a workshop at Anderson Ranch this summer called Print and Stitch. Participants create their own unique screen printed fabric, which is then cut and stitched together to construct textile wall hangings. Students learn improvisational piecing techniques through hand and machine sewing methods. Exploring decorative and functional surface design, students investigate quilting, pojagi patchwork, sashiko stitching, embroidery, and other needlework techniques. Color, texture, and patterns in nature inspire our imagery. Working with printed fabric as well as found and recycled fabric, students cut, print, piece, and arrange textiles to create unique works of art.
Click here: Registration is now open!
Faculty Exhibition at UAH
At UAH we always start the spring semester with a Faculty Exhibition. I matted and framed a couple of my drawings that I made in Taiwan—they look so great!
Edition Printing of Text
A significant portion of my studio time throughout the fall semester has been spent on letterpress printing the text for the artist book Work To be Done In Winter. Now the semester is coming to an end and the text is nearly done.
Printing Little Details
Adding a few decorative touches touches on each of the pages of text for Work To be Done In Winter.
Studio Mockup
In the fall of 2022, I will be exhibiting my new work at University of Alabama Huntsville and made a mockup to scale of the gallery. (A few pieces are left to make, so I have post it notes as place holders.)
Quilting Season
Happy to have cooler weather and dark evenings, perfect for quilting.
UAH Pride
It’s been such a joy this semester to have my students printing IRL at the best events on campus!
Making time to draw in the studio is always the best way for me to gather my thoughts.
Constructed Wetlands
Made from fabric scraps from the Yongle Fabric Market and a few hand dyed pieces from Mary Ann Jordan, this quilt is inspired by long bike rides in the Constructed Wetlands in Taipei.
2022 Impact Printmaking Conference, Bristol, UK
My first time in London (and only for a day), but I found some fabulous books to weigh down my suitcase. I am on my way to the Impact Printmaking Conference in Bristol, where I will be exhibiting my work and giving an artist talk.
Yangmingshan Mountains
This is how the mountains felt as I slowly hiked steep trails made of stone steps.
Multiple Discovery Enclosure
Shift-lab is finishing up the enclosures for Multiple Discovery—soon books will be shipped out to collectors!
Common Press Artist Residency
Back in Philadelphia as an Artist-in-Residence at Common Press at the University of Pennsylvania. This project began in 2019 and (like many things) was put on hold during the pandemic. Pruning illustrations from Jean de LaQuintinie’s book influenced my ink drawings of trees. The polymer plates and woodblock prints are printed on Gampi paper handmade at the Guang Xin Paper Mill in Puli, Nantou, Taiwan.
New (to me) Press
This little beauty has found its way back to me, after many years. I moved it into storage in Philadelphia for now, and am contemplating it’s next moves!
Sketching on the John Muir Way
Two weeks walking 134 miles from coast to cost on the John Muir Way in Scotland with a sketchbook was the way I celebrated my birthday.
Coppell Arts Center Exhibition
L.Inking: Contemporary International Woodblock Print Exhibition from May 30 - June 19 in Coppell, TX.
2022 University Distinguished Research, Creative Achievement, and Scholarly Performance Award
Celebrating with my spouse, daughter and grandson after receiving the Distinguished Research, Creative Achievement, and Scholarly Performance Award. Cheers!
This is one of six works I created for a wood+paper+box project titled Un/Fold. In my work, I use the techniques of monoprint, colograph, and relief on paper to create the illusion of cut and folded fabric.
Codex International Book Fair 2022
Here I am at Codex with my pal Macy Chadwick exhibiting the work of Shift-lab. I had the opportunity to share our newest project, Multiple Discovery, to a huge in person audience.
Neighborhood Garden
Trimming, folding and binding the Neighborhood Garden Zine is extremely satisfying work after a long day of teaching.
Multiple Discovery Artist Book with Shift-lab
Multiple Discovery is a new Shift-lab artist book project. Sarah Bryant and I are working on printing the title page, cover, and colophon.
Multiple Discovery is the phenomena that discoveries are made independently and simultaneously by different innovators. In the case of this collaborative project, Shift-lab uses the concept of Multiple Discovery as a metaphor for our remote collaborative artistic practice. Working with a common horizon line and color pallet, we worked alone in our separate studios to develop the imagery for this artist book. Then the folios of text and image for the edition are exchanged, collated and bound by each artist, resulting in five variations within the limited edition. Through this collation and binding process, we explore Complex Systems, where individual decisions regarding sequence are unpredictable to the group, yet the end result consists of variations within a highly organized edition.
Returning to Huntsville, Alabama with Amazing Paper!
Back to Alabama with a stack of handmade at the Guang Xin Paper Mill in Puli, Nantou, Taiwan.
Fulbright Year Coming to an End
My Fulbright year is coming to an end. I shared my experience to an audience of students, faculty and community members at the National Taiwan Normal University. I could easily stay for another year, I will miss Taiwan. (I am speaking at the gallery in the University, but it is not my work—pictured here is a student exhibition.)
Neighborhood Garden Zine Mock Up
With Xerox copies, colored pencils, markers, newsprint I am putting together a zine titled Neighborhood Garden. Long bicycle rides through the city were the inspiration for these images. Between highways, concrete, rivers and canals, small gardens were found.
2021 International Mokuhanga Conference
Borderless is a collaborative scroll made by a collective of international artists called Mokuhanga Sisters. Our scroll is exhibited at Sumi Fusion, the 2021 International Mokuhanga Conference. Can you find my contribution to the scroll? It is the figurative image with the forrest.
The luxury of an open schedule has given me the time to explore my drawing practice.
Book Arts Workshop for BFA Students at NTNU
Such a fun workshop teaching book arts to this crew of art students!
Color Study Quilt Series
Color Study consists of 12 quilts that represent the 12 months of the year. This series was hand stitched and hand quilted. I created this work from my fabric stash that I brought from Alabama to Taiwan. The entire series was created from these limited selections of scraps. The squares are pieced together intuitively, as I arranged and rearranged fabric until I arrived at a combination of color and shape that expressed a particular time of year. The work was then quilted by hand–densely–using tiny running stitches.
National Taiwan Normal University Mokuhanga Workshop
In only two of days, students carved and printed woodblock prints using waterbased woodblock techniques. An extremely focused and hardworking group produced incredible work in a short period of time!
Junior High School Book Arts Workshop
The Color Blue
Working monochromatically with Berlin Blue, I reference not only the blue of roof tiles at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall but my associations with the color blue such as solitude, calmness and serenity. Woodblock printing, while an ancient technique, was also a revelation in technology. In the making of this print, I consider the history of printing ink, development of the pigment of Berlin blue, and how its color permanence and accessibility forever changed the woodblock printed image.
The East Sea
With the first quilt, I began with a visit to the East Sea, where I gazed out at a seascape in motion made up of blues and grays, reflecting water, rocking buoys and boats, and a changing sky. Back in my apartment, I worked with a limited selection of fabric scraps, piecing it together intuitively. As I worked, I would change my mind, take apart and rearrange squares. Once I was satisfied with how I had pieced the top together, I hand quilted the top, middle and back layers.
Art Taipei
Interviewed by Grace Chen for a video to promote the exhibitions, workshops, and lectures organized by Art Taipei.
Artist Presentation at Art Taipei
Moderated by Professor Liu Hsi-Chuan from Taipei National University of the Arts, I gave a presentation and discussed my art practice during the Art Taipei artist lecture series.
Woodblock Pattern
Working out the drawing for a woodblock print of the Chaing Kai-shek Memorial Hall with my favorite pencil, a much used eraser, a compass, and a variety of rulers.
Demo Book Structures
I have been experimenting with book structures and creating some examples as I prepare for teaching workshops in the junior high and high schools in Taipei.
I began printing, using sumi ink and rice paste printing from woodblocks on mulberry paper.
Brushes, Ink & Paper
There is a lovely calligraphy shop a few doors down from my apartment where I bought some brushes, ink and paper for drawing.
Night Quilt
Taiwan experienced its first level three shutdown due to Covid at the end of May. I had to move my things out of the printshop and set up a small work space in my apartment. I have been spending the time working with a sewing machine and piecing quilts.
I took a walk at night and was inspired to piece this quilt.
Constructed Wetlands
With Taiwan’s pandemic response at level 3 alert, I’m taking my research to open, unpopulated spaces to minimize contact. The development of waterways all across Taipei provides cultivated adjacent spaces for recreation and wildlife.
Print Exhibition in Taiwan
I’m happy to have my work included in the 2021 Taoyuan International Print Exhibition, Print Out Times
Taoyuan Arts Center, 1F, No. 1188, Zhongzheng Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, 33045, Taiwan
Reception: May 27, 2021
Work in Progress
Most of my days at the International Print Center at National Taiwan Normal University are spent carving. I have started proofing blocks and when paper arrives, I will begin printing!
A Conversation: wood + paper + box
May 13 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Presented on Zoom
A conversation moderated by Evan Laudenslager with the artist collective Wood+Paper+Box. Comprised of Print Center Gallery Store artists Katie Baldwin and Yoonmi Nam along with the printmaker and illustrator Mariko Jesse, the collective creates collaborative portfolio boxes that push the boundaries of traditional print. Baldwin will join us from Taipei, where she currently is a Fulbright Scholar, Nam will participate from Lawrence, KS, where she is Visual Arts Professor at the University of Kansas, and Jesse will join us from Tokyo, where she lives when she is not in California.
Penghu Conference
2021 USA - Taiwan Marine Sustainable Development International Conference
Moderated a panel with Professor Kuo-Kuang Huang. Speakers included Mrs. Hui-Juan Chang, Dr. Maryalice Mazzara, Dr. Brianna B. Buljung, and Dr. Chiou-Lan Chen.
This woodblock image is my contribution to a collaborative scroll project titled Boarderless that includes work by: Patty Hudak, Mariko Jesse, Kate Mac Donagh, Yoonmi Nam, Mia O., Melissa Schulenberg and Lucy Schofield. Outside and In The Open is the title of my woodblock image, and alludes to evacuation from a crisis. A narrative landscape, this imagery tells the story of a meeting place, where two people come together to consider what to do next. Infringing on each other's personal space, the figures overlap--after all, they find themselves in this situation together. Although individuals, their predicament is borderless.
The project is an edition of 20 and the scrolls were made by Lucy Schofield.
April 30, 2021
Impact 11, International Printmaking Conference, Hong Kong
April 20 - 25, 2021, Hong Kong Open Printshop
IMPACT - International Multi-disciplinary Printmaking, Artists, Concepts and Techniques--is one of the largest professional conferences dedicated specifically to printmaking. Conference Theme “Print Art Hong Kong: Legends and Legacies”
About Impact 11: https://www.impact11.hk/en/about-impact11/
Portfolio: wood paper box
Exhibition: Series of woodblock prints
Presentation: Before & After the Pandemic: Making Artist Books in Long Distance Collaboration
Watch here: https://uahuntsville.screencasthost.com/watch/creqfKVcSsk
Dina Pollack from Mills College Interviews Shift-lab
Katie Baldwin, Denise Bookwater, Sarah Bryant, Macy Chadwick and Tricia Treacy join Dina Pollack of Mills College from multiple time zones to discuss their collaborative process.
International Print Center at National Taiwan Normal University
The faculty have welcomed me at NTNU and I have begun working on a series of new woodblock prints. Students have shared their work with me and I look forward to working with them over the course of the next year!
Intersections of Art and Business: Making the Arts Viable in a Post-Pandemic World
Fulbright Taiwan Seminar on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
I will be giving an in-person presentation titled: Collaborative Artist Books, Shift-lab Collective.
General Event Information at Fulbright Taiwan
Event Registration and Schedule
Taipei, Taiwan
I have arrived in Taiwan for a two week quarantine, followed by one week of self-isolation. Then I will be able to move about a Covid-free Taiwan!
2021 Fulbright Scholar
I am excited to announce that in January 2021, I will be traveling to Taiwan as a Fulbright Scholar at National Taiwan Normal University’s International Printmaking Center. Over the course of a year, I will expand my research on woodblock printing techniques in East Asia through my project titled Modified Land. In Taiwan, I will explore the traces, modifications, distortions, destructions, transformations, and reconstructions of the Taiwanese landscape. As I research old and new agricultural and irrigation systems in Taipei, my work considers the way mechanization shapes land.
In the Studio
Color Study: January, 21 x 21 inches, hand stitched and pieced fabric, 2021.
Slowly finishing up a series of 12 quilts, color studies of the twelve months in a year.
Shift-lab Collaboration
Multiple Discovery, the phenomena that discoveries are made independently and simultaneously by different innovators, is a new artist book project by Shift-lab. We are using the concept of Multiple Discovery as a metaphor for the remote collaborative artistic practice. We work alone in our separate studios with a common horizon line and color pallet to develop imagery. Then the folios of text and image are exchanged, collated and bound by each artist, resulting in five variations within the limited edition. Currently, I am enjoying my prints unfolded and unbound. The final bound versions of this work will be exhibited at the Codex Book Fair in 2022.
In the Studio
I am working on designing a lithograph, Forest, that will be printed by Shelley Thorstensen in 2021 on OKUMA, her notorious flatbed offset lithography press. I had the pleasure to work at Shelley’s Studio in the summer of 2018 to create a series of etchings. The etchings Pacific Northwest and Oh! from the series are available at The Print Center.